Old Listings On RealEstateOne.com

by Scott Gaffan on March 22, 2007

When a listing is manually entered into the Realestateone.net Listing Manager, that listing needs to be maintained manually for the life of the listing.  That includes changing a listings status when that listing is no longer available to the public.  If you notice that a listing that you know is off the market in the MLS is still showing up as active on Realestateone.com. Maxbroock.com or JohnstoneandJohnstone.com, just pull up the listing in the Listing Manager and change it’s status to Sold/Closed, Canceled or Off Market/Other.  Office administrators can pull up a list of all of their office listings and check for old listings that need to be removed.  If you are unable to change the status of a listing that needs to be removed from the site please call or email me for assistance.

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