Real Estate One Family of Companies Email Policy

by Scott Gaffan on May 18, 2007

Due to recent issues with our companies email systems we have, out of necessity, had to establish a policy to outline appropriate and inappropriate use of Real Estate One’s e-mail systems and services in order to minimize disruptions to services and activities, as well as comply with applicable policies and laws.

·        Sending of unreasonably large e-mail attachments. The total size of an individual e-mail message sent (including attachment) must be 6 MB or less.

·         Using the system for mass mailings. Please use other mail servers designed for mass mailings for email solicitations. You can send up to 100 recipients in one email and send up to 200 emails per day. These limits have been set to block any mass mailers within our network and reduce our domains being placed onto blacklists.

·         Excessive personal use of Real Estate One e-mail resources.
Real Estate One allows limited personal use for communication with family and friends, independent learning, and public service so long as it does not interfere with staff productivity, pre-empt any business activity, or consume more than a trivial amount of resources.
Real Estate One prohibits personal use of its e-mail systems and services for unsolicited mass mailings, non-
Real Estate One commercial activity, political campaigning, and dissemination of chain letters, videos, or music files unrelated to your job responsibilities.

·         Create and/or send “spam.” Spam is defined as any unsolicited electronic communication that is sent to any number of recipients who did not specifically request or express an interest in the material advertised in the communication. It will be considered a greater offense if the company’s electronic communications resources are exploited to amplify the range of distribution of these communications.

·         Please do not mark messages from Central Office as spam.  Just unsubscribe or delete the message.   When agents mark messages from us as spam, they dramatically increase our chances of being black listed from their email provider.  This will eventually result in us being permanently black listed with their provider and unable to forward any messages sent to their alias to their actual account. 

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