AI Listing Descriptions and Automated FAQs for Listings

by Scott Gaffan on January 29, 2025

 Introducing two more new features in One Place Connect – AI Listing Descriptions and Automated FAQs for Listings! These new tools are designed to make your job easier and your listings a little more powerful! Check out the video below for all the details.

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One Place Connect ChatGPT Integration

by Scott Gaffan on January 21, 2025

 Introducing our newest feature in One Place Connect – ChatGPT integration! This powerful tool is like having a writing assistant right at your fingertips! Watch the video below to find out all you need to know.

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The Redesigned One Place Connect

by Scott Gaffan on April 29, 2024

The redesigned One Place Connect is now live. If you didn’t get a chance to attend one of the walk-through sessions, the recorded version is below.

You can also check out the redesigned site live. Just log into and choose my connect.

Recorded Walk-through Video

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Exciting News! A New Redesigned One Place Connect

by Scott Gaffan on April 8, 2024

We’re excited to announce that we’ve just completed a new redesign of the One Place Connect user interface and we’re taking the newly redesigned site live next Monday, April 15th.

One Place Connect is an important part of Our One Place. Many of the main links in Our One Place directly connect to the internal pages of One Place Connect.  

All the pages that link to the top menu bar of Our One Place (my contacts, CMA, my listings, my website etc.) as well as numerous pages linked in the Quick Resources and Transaction Tools sections will all be included in the update.  

We have redesigned the interface from the ground up to provide a seamless and more intuitive user experience. We created a new Dashboard and improved the navigation and layout of all the internal pages.

Don’t panic, the update’s not taking anything away, we just moved things around and made everything quicker and easier to access. I know you don’t like it when we change things or move things around, but I think you’ll like how much easier it’ll be to get to all your favorite One Place modules.

We will be updating to the new redesign on Monday the 15th at 8:00 pm. One Place Connect will be down for a brief time while our developers update the system and take the new redesign live (approx. one to two hours).

Join me for a Zoom preview of the new redesign!

I’m doing a few walkthroughs of the new redesign on Zoom before it launches for those of you that would like to see it before it goes live.

I’m doing 3 sessions before the launch and one session after it goes live. I will be recording one of the sessions for anyone that’s not able to attend. You don’t need to register, just hit the Join link under the session that you’d like to attend on the date and time listed.

Friday April 12th, 10:00 AM

Friday April 12th, 1:00 PM

Monday April 15th, 10:00 AM

Wednesday April 17th, 1:00 PM

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Free Leads

by Scott Gaffan on December 8, 2023

Did you know that provides free leads to agents?
They started doing this once they were purchased by CoStar, a company that believes in “Your Listing, Your Lead”.

You may receive leads that look like the sample format below. These are legitimate leads and they’re free.

It helps if you have a profile set up on I’ve included instructions below on how to check to see if you already have an existing profile as well as how to set one up if you don’t.

Sample Email Lead

Do I have a profile set up?
To check to see if you already have a profile set up on, choose Find an Agent and Search for yourself.

Create a profile.
To create a profile, choose Find an Agent, then choose the I am an agent link. Choose your MLS and search for yourself to verify that you’re an active MLS agent and Claim your MLS identity.

Edit Your Profile
To learn how to Edit Your Profile, View Your Agent Dashboard and everything else you need to know to grow your business on, check out their “How To” Videos by selecting the link below. You can also sign-up to attend one of their weekly webinars. If you need assistance, send them an email at support [at] homes [dot] com.

How To Videos

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Spambot Web Leads

by Scott Gaffan on March 3, 2023

We’ve noticed a recent increase in fake contact form submissions coming through our main company websites.

The agent search allows customers to search for you by name and to send you a message by choosing your Email Me link, filling in and submitting your contact form.

These forms are important and allow anyone to contact you directly from the main company sites……. Unfortunately, this also opens the possibility of receiving fake or spam submissions from individuals or from spambots.  

What’s a spambot? A spambot is a malicious piece of code or program designed to gather names and email addresses and other information from online sources like websites and forms. This information can then be collected to build lists for sending unsolicited email, i.e, spam. Spambots run through our websites and automatically complete and submit forms with the same fake information to multiple agents.     

These fake submissions may appear to be from a legitimate new customer just so they can try to catch you with a phishing link in an email or through another communication app like WhatsApp in the future. 

Although we don’t receive a lot of them, we have noticed an increase in the frequency of bot submissions recently.  They can be annoying and can make you waste your time responding to them or sending them information or worse, by getting caught in one of their scams.

The latest one was sent to at least 950 of our agents over the last couple of weeks (see the example below).  Just prior to that, a similar one was sent to over 250 agents.

Because of the recent increase in spambot activity, we are adding a new layer of protection to the agent capture forms on all the main company websites.  This should stop a vast majority of the automated bot entries from getting through.

We needed something that would not get in the way of the people that legitimately wanted to contact us, so we’re adding something called an invisible CAPTCHA feature. It is a newer, more evolved form of the Captcha that you may be familiar with, the one that asks you to select all the matching photos or to check a box indicating you’re not a robot.  

The invisible CAPTCHA will first intelligently determine the risk of the user attempting to fill in the form, and only presents adaptive CAPTCHAs to those it suspects are automated bots. It does this while letting your valid users pass right through with ease.

This addition should be completed by the end of the month.

Below is an example of a lead email that was generated by a bot. I’m sure that many of you recognize the lead name and have received this exact message.

Determining whether a lead is real or not can sometimes be tough, but there are a few subtle things on this one that stand out.

First, the source is the Johnstone and Johnstone website, and this was sent to a Real Estate One agent. It’s highly unlikely that the client went to the Johnstone and Johnstone site to look up a Real Estate One agent by name. Not impossible, but still highly unlikely.

Second, the first sentence as well as the phone number is repeated in the message (this is also often written with grammatical errors).

Third, this person is requesting to be texted on WhatsApp right away in their first message. This is a big red flag to me and when combined with the other red flags, it’s enough for me to think, this looks suspicious.

Remember, if a message looks fishy, it’s probably best to just delete it. We are continuing to delete these entries from One Place as we receive them. If you receive a lead email that looks suspicious and you’re not sure what to do or would just like another set of eyes to look at it, feel free to send it to the Help Desk or directly to me. It’s always best to lean on the side of caution.

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Check out our latest updates to One Place Connect. We’ve added a Calendar and Calendar Sync, Video Emails, the ability to create Custom Email Templates and your own Custom Plans. Check out the video below for all the details. There are also links below the video to step by step instructions on setting up your Calendar Sync.

Set Up Calendar Sync for Android

Set Up Calendar Sync for iPhone

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First to Know Text Alerts

September 20, 2021

We’re launching a brand new addition to the One Place First to Know Listing Alerts system. First to Know text alerts. First To Know text alerts will send listing alerts, […]

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Did You Get That Email I Sent You?

September 10, 2021

Are you constantly missing email messages? Finding important messages in your junk mail folder or not finding messages that you know have been sent to your email address? Email services […]

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Share Testimonials on Social Media

August 16, 2021

You can now share your testimonials from OnePlace to Social Media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest…). Thank you to one of our sales managers who requested this feature! If you would […]

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