Are you constantly missing email messages? Finding important messages in your junk mail folder or not finding messages that you know have been sent to your email address?
Email services like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook.com etc. routinely block emails from reaching you in an attempt to protect you from spam and malicious content like virus’s and phishing scams. Unfortunately, sometimes these same filters block important messages from the sources that we want to receive messages from like our clients, co-workers, Docusign and even the office scanner/copy machine.
Spam filters that come with email clients have both whitelists and blacklists of senders and keywords to look for in emails. If a spam filter keeps a whitelist, mail from the listed email addresses, domains, and/or IP address will always be allowed. So creating a whitelist is simply creating a list of the email addresses and or domains that you would always like to allow messages to be received from.
You can basically override these filters by simply adding the problem email addresses to your email account’s Whitelist. Select the link below for instructions on how to whitelist an email address on your specific email platform.
Here’s a list of some important addresses and domains that you may want to include in your own whitelist to help you get started.
Realestateone.com, Maxbroock.com, Jjrealtors.com, CapitalTitle.net, JohnAdamsMortgage.com, Insone.com, Docusign.com, Docusign.net, mail.ziplogix.com and mfp [at] realestateone [dot] com (this is the address that the scanner/copiers use to send you your scans from the copy machines.
You could even add a short message, like the example below, to the bottom of one of your first email messages to a new client asking them to add your email address to their contacts list to make sure that their spam filters don’t block emails from you. You can include a link to the same instructions that I posted below on how to do it on each of the specific email platforms.
Example message,
Please be sure to add scottg [at] realestateone [dot] com to your email contacts list. This will protect against your spam filter mistaking my messages as spam. If you need help, here’s a link to step by step instructions for all the different email clients. (insert a link to the instructions below)
Email Whitelisting – Best Practices for Email Marketing in 2021
If you have any questions regarding whitelisting an email address using your particular email client, feel free to reach out to me or the Real Estate One Help Desk anytime.
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