Drip Email Systems

by Scott Gaffan on March 23, 2007

If you have attended any of my classes in the past few years, you have probably heard me mention drip email marketing more than once.  Email campaigns are a fantastic and inexpensive way to keep you on the minds of your clients and prospects.  A lot of us have good intentions when it comes to client follow up but never really get around to establishing a tried and true system.  Here is a link to a great article from RealtyTimes.com about drip email systems.  


I’ve also listed 5 links below that provide this service to real estate professionals.  Check these out and pick the one that works best for you and your business style.  If you are one of those tech savvy agents that can handle setting something like this up your self and maintaining it, these links may still come in handy for new creative ideas to help complement your system.






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